On March 2009, my trip to Bandung is a different one than usual. I planned to go to Bandung by train. It was a nostalgic trip, since before the era of Cipularang tollroad, I always go from-to Bandung by Parahyangan train, at Business class (as students at that time, we have to be very economist, hehehe). But after the tollroad is opened, there were lot of travel, and we prefer use travels since it cut the trip duration significantly.
So, in the morning of March 6th 2009, I went to the Gambir station, bought Parahyangan ticket, and enjoyed the trip. It really a nostalgic one... The scene is a little bit different from the last time I went to Bandung by train. The towers, the train station buildings, and the trees still looks the same, only this time we could see many tall bridges of Cipularang tollroad across the hills. What a scene! Maybe trip by train is not as fast as by travel, but the sensation is still different. And if you took trip by train, you can enjoy the trip, even you can open your laptop and get work done while you still on the road (you may not do this on travel, it can disturb the person who sit next to you!).
Here are some photos from my trip to Bandung by train :

Situation outside and inside the executive wagon
Tall buildings of Jakarta

Train passed bridge crossing above the Cipularang tollroad (around Purwakarta).

Jatiluhur lake from the distance

Terrasering rice field at Purwakarta

Cikubang tollroad bridge (length 520 meter, height 60 meter) , viewed from Sasaksaat railway bridge

Cipada tollroad bridge (length 600 meter, height 45 meter)

Near Cikamuning tollgate, we can see the arteri road (Padalarang-Purwakarta old route) and Cipularang tollroad side-by-side
Bandung train station tower
Train monument at old Bandung train station.
I also took some walking at Braga street, and bought the book about Braga at Djawa bookstore, the famous small old bookstore at the middle of Braga steet. After reading the book, I just realized, there are not much different between the people at 1900 era and 2000 era, they all come to Bandung for some refreshment and entertainment, including shows performance, fashion shopping, and last but not least : culinary tourism! The different only if at the 1900 era the visitor are Dutchs from the plantation, but in nowaday, the visitor is Indonesian who came from many places, especially Jakarta.
But when I returned to Jakarta by car, things is really different. The Cipularang tollroad was very full, it was the longest traffic jam I ever seen! At 16.00 WIB, we enter the Pasteur tollgate, and near the Cimahi/Baros tollgate, the traffic just started to stuck. I turned on the radio, and found out that the traffic jam occur along the Cipularang tollroad until km 57 of Cikampek tollroad! Oooo... if we continue the trip, we would trapped in the traffic jam, and it must be a tired one. So we decide to turn back and return to my grandma's home, waiting until the traffic is not so crowded. At last, we start the trip back to Jakarta at 02.00 WIB in the middle of the night, and we safely arrive at our home at 06.00 WIB in the morning, phew... (and the traffic is not so clear at all, since we still found the jam at Karawang for several kilometres).
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